Steve Holder

Steve has over 40 years of experience in the bedding industry. Steve literally grew up in the mattress business. His family owned and operated one of the most successful factory direct companies in the US . The company at one time operated more than a dozen stores in the Midwest . Steve's experience in his family business ranged from retail, manufacturing, product design, marketing and compliance with existing government regulation.

Since leaving his family business Steve has worked with some of the most respected names in the bedding business. He has contributed to co-designing some of the most high end mattresses in the country. He has a near obsession with building and producing hand made tufted beds. He has spent extensive time in Europe , getting to know some of that continents top companies observing design, manufacturing and marketing of those companies. Steve has also considerable experience in the natural/organic segment of the bedding business. He was in California during the initial stages of open flame compliance to TB 603. During that time companies Steve worked with were able to pass TB 603 products with the use of natural wool as fire barrier.

This experience paid off invaluably for him on a national basis with the federal implementation of CFR 1633. Most recently he has brought his design expertise to companies though his work with North America's premier contract quilter and zipper cover producer. His consulting and design work can be seen to this day at companies such as Aireloom, Hypnos/Jamison, Vivetique, Holder Mattress and many more top bedding producers.

E-Mail: [email protected]
Articles By Steve Holder:

  Radio Inverview with Monterey Mattress 7-30-9

  Bed Times interview Page 16 November 2009

