Many companies have appeared to assist mattress manufacturers to comply with the new 1633 flammability law. In most cases you pay a membership fee plus guarantee you will purchase all flammability products from the group you are joining. Below is a brief list of companies, associations, groups, vendors, and affiliates.
CPSC Mattress Flammability Information
New 1633 Regulation and supporting information
Fire Barriers Manufacturers
WT Burnett
Prototypes and low cost barrier manufacturer. Enriquez has developed numerous protoypes for Burnett.
Manufacturer of fire barrier components for mattresses.
Global Supply Chain
Allen Podratsky has developed all qualified prototypes offered to member in group. Major player in manufacturing FR barriers
Manufacturer of fire barrier components for mattresses.
Vita Nonwovens
Manufacturer of fire barrier components for mattresses.
Western Nonwovens
Manufacturer of fire barrier components for mattresses. Aligned with Global Supply Chain, a company formed to assist mattress manufacturers with new law.
Leggett & Platt Fiber Division
Manufacturer of fire barrier components for mattresses. (Not really a major player. )
Jones Fiber
Manufacturer of fire barrier components for mattresses. (Low cost cotton solutions.) Companies formed to Assist With Compliance
Global Supply Chain
This company formed to assist mattress manufacturers with new law is aligned with FR manufacturer "Western NonWovens". Allen Podratsky has developed all qualified prototypes offered to members in group.
Lilly Group
Fire barrier manufacturer "Miliken" is aligned with Lilly Group
Fire barrier manufacturer "Freudenberg" is also aligned with Lilly Group.
WT Burnett
Major player in manufacturing FR barriers
CPSC Forms
MCPSC has on their website PDF form which can be filled out for Qualified Prototypes, Confirming Prototypes, and Subornate Prototypes. The links are as follows: