Welcome Message
Welcome to "Mattress Consultant", a company dedicated to being a one stop resource for mattress manufacturers and retailers.
Who We Are
We are a group of independent consultants who consult to manufacturers and retailers in the mattress industry. Our group consists of individuals with careers in the mattress industry, including working for the major "S" manufacturers, as well as independents and factory directs. Our members reside throughout the United States, and in some instances can assist in a more localized area. We consult over the phone or on site, depending on customers preference. Our goal is to bring cutting edge solutions to achieveing success in your manufacturing or retail business.
What We Do
We analyze your operation, make recommendations, and assist with necessary changes you have decided to implement. We understand the difficulty is in the details and we hold your hand through each process. If you want to become compliant with new FR law we will walk you thru whole process, from matching your current models to qualified protoyptes, arranging for actual burns, aligning you with a FR barrier supplier, and creating paperwork system. This can be done on site, online, or over the phone depending on clients needs.
One of your most valuable resources in business is "time". Time spent on solving problems or getting answers to difficult questions. We have already spent that time and are here as your personal resource.
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